Everyone Needs A Mentor By David Clutterbuck Pdf _TOP_
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The idea of creating a culture that cultivates mentoring is still relatively new. Different companies and organizations have differed mentoring needs, and coaching frameworks are diverse to a certain extent. However, the base of these mentoring schemes consists of a few standard components.
According to the popular press, the vast majority of managers, entrepreneurs and employees use coaching, mentoring, or a variant of these support methods, to be more effective in their work (Stambaugh & Mitchell, 2018). Although such support is not new, popular and academic interest grew substantially in the past decades. It seems that almost every manager who wants to succeed needs a soundboard, motivator, counsellor, mentor or coach for their development. But managers themselves also are encouraged to coach their employees (McCarthy & Ahrens, 2011). In the last 20 years coaching and mentoring have become a large industry. One estimate mentions 53.300 coaches active worldwide (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2016), while the Youth Business International has 14.000 volunteer mentors in 52 countries (Youth Business International, 2018). Although not all are making a living of coaching or mentoring, the relevance of coaching and mentoring for business is clear. To survive as a manager (or employee) in a rapidly changing environment (Arthur & Rousseau, 1996; Simon, 1965) and to climb the hierarchical ladder (Bowerman & Collins, 1999; Murray, 2001), coaching or mentoring can provide an important contribution. There is evidence that mentoring increases the chance of becoming a leader of a company (Janssen, 2015; Stogdill, 1948) but having a personal coach or mentor is also a sort of status symbol.
People professionals need to understand when coaching and mentoring are appropriate and effective interventions in relation to other options. They also need to explore the relevance, appropriateness and credibility of any models (such as the GROW or COACH approaches) that are used. And they need to be clear on how to select appropriate external coaches and mentors by having a clear set of criteria to match the individual and organisational needs. 1e1e36bf2d